Friday, July 25, 2008

A Time of Celebration

I haven't written in a while, too much going on or maybe just plain lazy. But today is a special day ... the birthday of someone who was very influential in my life. I chose to write today about how life is what we make it. Yes, I said that ... like everyone doesn't know that already. But really, I am not sure we understand the depth of that statement. We are the co-creators of our life, all the good stuff and not so good stuff and everything in between.

Since there are no co-incidences in life (and yes I truly believe that!), you have to wonder about life, your life, all your experiences, joys and sorrows. These are all the things you have cleverly placed in your life to move through this journey. Heck, if I had known that earlier, I might have made different selections ... or not.

So on this date, I am grateful of all the people and things that have entered into my life for it is that combination of events and happenings that have made me who I am. I think for the better.

And, to that effect, many thanks dear friend, for your insight, compassion and outrageous love of life. If I have any lesson in life to learn, it is to appreciate the moment with gusto and be filled with joy.

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